Agent Query Submissions Chart

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When you reach the stage of querying agents for your novel(s), keeping track of your submissions is imperative. You do not want to be the unprofessional writer who accidentally queries two agents in the same agency for the same project – nor do you want to miss an opportunity by forgetting to follow up with pending replies. This becomes especially hectic when you have more than one project on submission. You need the Agent Query Submissions Chart.

agent query

What I like about this chart is that you can sort it alphabetically by Agent or Agency. And before you submit, you should do both – every time. Most agencies have the policy of no double submissions (sending the same project to more than one agent at their office), and you don’t want to make yourself a nuisance by sending the same project to the same agent more than once. So as long as you keep your chart updated and double check it before each new submission, you should be safe.

When you get a response, fill it in right away. I like to keep active submissions highlighted in yellow, so that every time I check my chart I can see when I need to follow up with whom. I also like to fill in my books with different color codes, just so the chart is visually easier to make sense of. Trust me: the organized writer is a happy writer.

To clear my example information, simply highlight the cells you want to empty and push “delete” (not “backspace”). Happy hunting!

View the full list of available organizational documents.

All documents are © Annie Neugebauer. These documents are intended for personal use only. Copyright applies. Please ask permission for anything other than personal record-keeping. If you’d like to share these with writers you know, please send them the link so they come visit me here. Thank you all so much for your support!

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2 Responses to Agent Query Submissions Chart

  1. M, McFarlane says:

    Annie, Can I provide your “unedited” documents on my blog and link back to your blog? I am very impressed by these and would love to share them in my writing community!

    • Hi Melanie! Yes, feel free to link to my documents — but please don’t repost them. In other words, please send your readers here to download them rather than providing the documents themsevles directly on your site. I hope that makes sense. Thanks so much for asking first, and I hope they help!

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