
I’m glad you’re here! You can email me at If you’re emailing with a question, please check the following frequently asked questions first.

If you’d like to get in touch with my literary agent, please contact Alec Shane at Writers House:

If you’d like to reach out to my film/TV agent, please contact Sean Berard at Untitled Entertainment:

If you’re interested in booking me for a speaking engagement, workshop, or guest lecture, please see my Speaking & Visits page.


Where can I buy your books?

You Have to Let Them Bleed, story collection, spring 2025

The Extra, novella, 9/9/25

Can you give me writing advice?

I do enjoy sharing the things I learn along the way, which you can find scattered throughout this category tag of my blog. Or book me as an instructor!

Do you provide writing, critique, or editorial services?

No, I’m sorry. I don’t have time to do that type of freelance work right now, and I cannot write, edit, or read your work/bio/resume, etc.

Do you publish guest posts?

I appreciate the interest, but at this time I’m not open to submissions for guest posts. If that changes in the future, I will be sure to post it here.

Do you do book reviews?

Occasionally I blog about a book I love, but I am not open to solicited reviews.

Will you consider product placement, reviews, or advertising?

I consider collaborations only on products that I can truly stand behind, and on a very limited basis.

I’d like to use one of your images or illustrations. Do you licence them?

On a case-by-case basis. Shoot me an email and we’ll talk rates.

Have a question that wasn’t covered?

I do my best to respond to the comments left on my blogs! Or if you prefer a more private way to contact me, or just want to say hey, you can always email me at I’d love to hear from you!