A Blade and a Revamp

Hi folks! Welcome to my freshly revamped website. Over the past several days I’ve spent untold hours here at AnnieNeugebauer.com making changes. So if you’re reading in your email subscription, make sure you click through and browse around here to see the new digs!

I have always felt like my website is my digital home. I know many people hop from home base to home base around the web, but I’ve always made this my house. It is the only platform I use that’s truly mine. So some minor remodeling (a new static home page that makes it easier to get to the good stuff), redecorating (a color palette refresh), and major decluttering (tons of streamlining) feels pretty nice. I hope you like it.

Happy March! Did you know that it’s Women in Horror Month? *record scratch* You thought that was February, huh? Well, it was, but long story short the official organization has handed it over to the community and we’ve decided that March gives more space to Black History Month, so now today begins the official unofficial celebration of cool chicks making art in scary fields. 


All I want for WiHM (and my birthday and Christmas and Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day and Pride month and National Cookie Day) is for you to make the time to read my work–and if you dig it, share it with someone else who might like it too.

So today I’m doing something I rarely do: I’m sharing a poem here that’s original and hasn’t yet been published anywhere else. *oooo, ahhhh* Please enjoy.

A Blade

Where are all the girls named Junior?
Tell me why
only boys.
Tell me why
I would not give my name
directly to my daughter?

Tell me about pride, power,
and humility,
about women sharp as knives
afraid to cut
the ties that bind.

Tell me about
the edge of a blade
and how it dulls
or hones

and tell me why.

© Annie Neugebauer, 2022
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