Texas Rain

Happy National Poetry Month! American or no, April is a great time to celebrate poetry. 🙂 Don’t you all get spring fever around now? I do! All I want to do is frolic in meadows, have picnics, and read poems. Unfortunately, I’m working my tail off instead, trying to get my current round of revisions finished so I can go play.

But I’ll still make time for poetry! As a way of sharing some of my previously published work here, where you can read it for free, I’ll be posting one poem a week for the five weeks of National Poetry Month. If I get squirrelly, I might even do a vlog reading. 😉 (So if you want to get all five poems in your inbox, make sure you’re subscribed, and add annie@annieneugebauer.com to your approved senders to be sure you get my new posts.)

This week, I’ll kick things off with a little poem suitable for the season here in Tejas. “Texas Rain” was first published in the 2019 Texas Poetry Calendar by Kallisto Gaia Press. I hope you enjoy!

Texas Rain

I feel the exact moment
when still heat,
thick with honeysuckle,
gives way to fresh chill
smelling of rain
that hasn’t yet come.
announces lightning
without pretension
and I swallow it all.
This life
far too thin
not to drink it down,
and me
never full.

© Annie Neugebauer, 2018

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