
Let’s finish off my National Poetry Month celebration with something… creepy. *evil grin* Y’all know I love a shivery little poem or two, so today I’m sharing “Unravel,” which was first published in the HWA Poetry Showcase Volume IV by the Horror Writers Association last year. I like to think of this one as a horror love poem–do with that what you will. 😉


At night

I want to be the spider
that crawls into the hair
spread across your pillow
like an inky dream.

I think
if I could just
taste your nightmares
I could spin them
into something sweet;

I could reweave them
into something softer.

I want to nest
into the silken warmth
so like my home,

burrow down to the roots


but nevertheless,
touching your skin.

This is all I could ask.

© Annie Neugebauer, 2016

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