Introducing the Writing Expense and Income Tracking Spreadsheet

It’s heeeeeeeeeere, and it’s B-E-A-utiful!

Folks, I am so excited to announce that the newest document for The Organized Writer is now available for purchase: my Writing Expense and Income Tracking Spreadsheet!

You can view the full description and product pitch on that page, along with purchase details, but here’s the quick and dirty: this is a must-have organizing tool for every writer who follows a budget, tracks their expenses, and/or files taxes. It’s formatted to be popular-tax-software friendly, user friendly, and writer friendly. 🙂 You type in how much you spent or made and on what, and this spreadsheet will do the rest. It’s even pre-filled with examples of common writer costs and earnings to help you make sure you’re claiming every last cent in each category. Save a new version each fiscal year and it should serve you for years to come!

Sold? Good! Because for the first week I’m offering a 33.33% discount off the baseline $9 price, which means that through 4/24/2017 you can get it for just 6 bucks! Enter the coupon code PriorityWeek after you add the document to your cart and it’ll knock 3 dollars off just because you’re pretty. 😉

To read more details or buy your spreadsheet, head on over to the Writing Expense and Income Tracking Spreadsheet page. And by all means, please share the link with your writer friends! (Please don’t share your purchased document; no matter how much you love them, they’ll need to buy their own.) The discount code will only be good for one week, so let’s get the word out fast!

Extra super special thanks to my Excel Jedi Master Anusha for helping make my spreadsheet pretty and neat, and to my brave beta-testers Kyle, Febe, Kelsey, Jen, Caitlin, and Peggy for helping make sure everything functions properly.

I’m so excited to be offering an Organized Writer doc for sale. I’ve put a lot of time and effort into making this resource as user-friendly and writer-useful as possible, and I really think it’s a great value. I’m already using my spreadsheet and loving it, and I hope you all will too. Happy tracking!

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11 Responses to Introducing the Writing Expense and Income Tracking Spreadsheet

  1. Lexa Cain says:

    Ooh, you are the most organized person ever! I bet this would really help those who have a lot of stories in anthologies and such. Super idea! 🙂

    • I think I might be! Haha. Thanks, Lexa! There are places for royalties and direct sales, too, as well as marketing and cover design, etc., so it should be great for indie publishers as well. 🙂

  2. I can’t get this right now, but I bookmarked for future. Thanks, Annie!

  3. Yay! So glad you decided to do this, Annie. Thank you for sharing! And you can’t beat that price for something so invaluable, even without the discount (but thank you for the discount; I feel pretty).

  4. Nina Sackheim Badzin says:


  5. Peggy says:

    This is a great idea that can benefit many people other than just writers. I shared it and hope lots of people are aware of it.

  6. Pingback: Writing Links 4/24/17 – Where Genres Collide

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