
Helllooooo out there!

Wow, did you hear those echoes? I know, I know. I haven’t posted in quite some time. That’s because I’m taking an unofficial semi-hiatus. Without getting into too many unnecessary details, I’ll give you the short version: I need a break.

(Okay, that was maybe too short.) I was getting burned out and tired and stir-crazy. I was tired of sitting inside all day. I hit a creative wall of “I don’t wanna.” I was putting too much pressure on myself about things I couldn’t change. I wanted something different, so I decided to get a summer job totally unrelated to writing.

Lucky me, I found a great one that’s pretty much exactly what I wanted. I’m working at a park and famers’ market about half an hour from home, which gives me a lovely chance to listen to more audio books. I’m out in the sun aaaaallll day (so much sunscreen!) and absolutely loving it. I haven’t written anything new in who knows how long, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Sometimes we just have to give ourselves a change of pace, you know?

Before you ask, no, I am not quitting writing. Promise. ♥

So that’s where I’ve been. Working hard and sweating a lot and generally living life in a really lovely way. (Never mind my farmer’s tan and chigger bites; they’re the price I pay for relief from my sore wrists and back aches.)

I hope to keep blogging occasionally this summer, but I won’t make any promises, and it won’t be on a regular schedule. My blog’s not going anywhere, that’s for sure, so I’ll pop in whenever the time feels right and I have something to say. Otherwise, I’ll be out freckling and laughing and generally being spectacularly unworried about things. I hope y’all are okay with that. I know I am. 🙂

Have a wonderful summer!

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18 Responses to Summerness

  1. Regina Richards says:

    Sounds like a lovely break. We all need one now and then. Enjoy!

  2. Dan Hammond says:

    Your subconscious mind welcomes the break, too. It will now have time to formulate all the wonderful work you’ll write in the future. Leave your subconscious alone and no peeking.

    • I know it does! I can’t quite swing no peeking, but I’ll definitely try to keep my hands off as much as I can so it all has room to simmer and mix back there on the burner. 🙂

  3. Diann says:

    I’ll really miss your writing, but your job sounds ridiculously romantic and inspiring. Have a great summer!

  4. A. B. Davis says:

    I feel you on taking a break for a while, and I second what Dan has to say about it. I am taking a much needed break this weekend. I keep trying not to feel guilty about it. : / Have an awesome summer, Annie. And good job on pulling back a little.

    • If you feel guilty it kind of negates the break part, don’t you think? That’s what I decided, anyway, which is why I got a seasonal job and made it a more official break so I’d stop worrying. I hope you take some time to relax and enjoy!

  5. Cynthia Robertson says:

    A. Glad you are not quitting writing. (Never thought for a moment you would.) And B. You just made me feel better about a planned break from the internet (to write and read undisturbed) I’m thinking about taking in August. Sometimes we just gotta do what we feel we gotta do!
    I know you will come back to your writing rested, filled up, and inspired. Have fun, Annie!

    • Thanks, Cynthia! I’m glad I’m inspiring a couple of guilt-free breaks, haha. 🙂 I think it’s so very important for creatives to “refuel,” and I, for one, am bad about acknowledging that as a need instead of a luxury. I say go for it!

  6. Peggy says:

    Hooray for summer breaks!!! Enjoy every minute soaking up that sunshine, meeting new folks, & zipping around in your little cart policing the beach/park!

  7. Nina Badzin says:

    I’m in the same boat and feel oddly comforted knowing you are slowing down a bit, too. I’m just not feeling it this summer–not on the blog or in the freelance world. I AM enjoying reading TONS and watching lots of TV (I know, I’ve regressed) . . . but it’s all pushing me ever so slightly towards the world of fiction again, even if just in imagination more than in actual work.

    • I hear you, Nina. And I’m glad you feel comforted; I feel the same. I’ve noticed a lot of burnout going around the blogosphere lately, and I don’t think “pushing harder” is the wisest solution. I’m glad you’re taking it easy too. And yay for fiction dreaming! I’m sure you’ll come up with lots of good stuff before the summer’s over. 🙂

  8. Mike says:

    I think we all need to recharge our creative batteries at one time or another. The summertime is a wonderful time to do just that! I often find that when I’m not in a creative mode, an idea or an inspiration can strike without warning, and after making a note or two so I don’t forget it, I just let that creative tidbit marinate until I’m ready to pull out the frying pan and turn up the creative heat!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer, Annie! I look forward to reading whatever comes out of your creative kitchen next!

  9. Lexa Cain says:

    OMG – this is exactly what happened to me, though I lasted until about July 10 before succumbing to burn out. Just too much pressure on myself to “write it fast!!” and “get books out there!!” and not enough payoff for the years of work. I’ve only now climbed back in the saddle with some new ideas and less pressure and am working on my WIP again. Your farmer’s market gig sounds fun and you need the relaxation. Good luck re-charging those batteries! 🙂

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