What the Whats Are

Hey guys!

Just a quick little post to let you know what’s going on around these parts. (Sometimes I get awfully southern for no good reason. Please forgive me.)

I went to the Poetry Society of Texas summer conference yesterday and presented, and let’s just say I kicked those doubt monsters right to the curb. I did one presentation by myself called “The Best of The Internet: Online Resources Available to Poets.” It went amazingly well; I had tons of poets come up to me and let me know they enjoyed it and learned from it. I was overwhelmed by their responses; I’m so grateful just to have been asked. Not to mention that I adore public speaking – sounds bizarre for someone as shy as me, I know, but I just love it.

The other presentations were all so enjoyable to listen to. I learned lots of good tips and I heard lots of beautiful, unique poetry. It was a wonderful program. And I have to tell you, spending a whole day in a room full of people who share your passion is quite the energy buzz!

Then I joined two of my good friends and poetry critique partners to assist with the presentation “Reaching for Better Writing: Can Small Group Support Make a Difference?” That went great as well. We talked about our little crit group and how we run, took some questions, and then did a live demonstration by critiquing each other’s poetry right there in front of everyone. It was good fun!

I’m not going to post the full content of my presentation online because I would love to give it again someday (the people who were there got physical notes), but if you’re a poet and are interested in the bare bones (just the links), there is a list of the resources I covered on PST’s blog, and you’re welcome to browse and explore them on your own.

Hub-a-dub and I are leaving late tonight/early tomorrow (3am) for a vacation. We’ll be camping in Colorado! 😀 I plan to unplug as much as possible, so please forgive me for not responding to comments, emails, etc. for the next week or so.

And finally, my latest column is up at Writer Unboxed: “Twitter: A Dangerous Sense of Entitlement.” I’m talking about the mind games we play with ourselves on social media, and how to avoid making some big mistakes. And as my mom pointed out, so many of these “social media tips for writers” can be applied to life in general, for anyone. Sans retweets. 😉 I hope you’ll join me there in the comments!

Have a wonderful week,


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10 Responses to What the Whats Are

  1. RichWeatherly43 says:

    Thanks for sharing Annie; for your representation of the Denton Poets’ Assembly and for delivering well thought presentations. I agree, the Poetry Society of Texas Summer Texas was a huge success. The poetry was great. We learned a lot and I feel inspired.

    Have a wonderful vacation!
    Rich Weatherly

  2. Regina Richards says:

    Glad the presentations went well. Have a terrific vacation!

  3. Melissa Crytzer Fry says:

    So glad you chased those doubt monsters away. Have a fabulous vacation! (And you may be among the few who say, “I just LOVE public speaking!”)

  4. Patrick Lee Marshall says:

    We cannot thank you enough for participating. – The PST Program Committee

  5. Nina Badzin says:

    So glad the presentation went well and no surprise there! Loved that Twitter column!

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