Revisions: a Diagram

It’s a little surprising for me to be able to tell you that I’m about 80% through with this round of revisions on my WIP. I’m hoping to finish this draft on Friday and send it to my beta readers this weekend. Eep!

What does that mean for my blog? Well, it means I can’t think of a damn thing to say that doesn’t revolve around revisions. So instead, I thought I’d give you guys a look into my daily process right now. Here I am, in all of my nerdy, crazy cat lady glory.

A- My original draft printed out and marked up.

B- My revisions checklist.

C- My chapter/scenes chart.

D- The best pen ever: Paper Mate InkJoy 100 1.0M.

E- My novel in Word, open on my laptop.

F- Inspiration juice (aka coffee).

G- Buttons, my favorite window decoration.

H- Snaps, my friendly pest.

I- My view, which alternates between frisky squirrels and screeching neighbor kids.

J- My brainstorming notebook.

K- The home of my WIP binder.

L- Ergonomic keyboard and laptop stand.

M- Makeupless me. Hey, I work at home. What did you expect?

I’m going to be busy busy busy for the next few days as I finish up, so please forgive me if I become a ghost on Twitter. But I would love to hear what everyone is up to, so feel free to drop me a note below.

I hope you all have a great week!

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24 Responses to Revisions: a Diagram

  1. Missy Frye says:

    Wow! Wish my desk was that organized. I too am working on revisions, but it’s going slow. 

  2. I kind of love that your brainstorming journal has happy owls on the outside, and notes for horror writing on the inside (I assume). Such an awesome contrast.

    • You are so right. =D I think about that every time I open it. The pages of notes on the decomposition of the human body jump to mind, guarded by those happy owls. I’m dark and I like cute things; what can I say?

  3. Melissa Crytzer Fry says:

    Oh, Annie … we are living parallel existences – hence my complete blogging disappearance in August as I worked on edits (What? How is it already September)? JUST like you, I hope to have this round of edits complete by Friday. In fact, my beta reader already has the majority of my ms in her hands now (talk about eep) … the fact that she MAY be wanting more/waiting for the rest is the BEST kind of motivation for me. But I hear you – it’s hard to think ANYTHING else other than WIP when you’re that thick into revisions. I love your post, though – so fun to get a look inside YOUR office for a change. And, of course, I’m partial to Buttons and Snaps, given that I am Crazy Cat Lady No. 2 ;-).

    PS – Looks like it’s comment day for the Missy Fry and Fryes of the world (YES – I was a Missy in high school!)

    • Thanks, Melissa. Wow, Friday too? We really are synced up! It kind of makes me feel good to know that someone else has the same pacing as me. Do you have a query date goal? I’m hoping to send mine out around Halloween/early November, but I’ll push it back if I don’t feel it’s ready.

      Today you’re Crazy Cat Lady #2 and Missy Fry #2. =)

      • Melissa Crytzer Fry says:

        Yep. Aiming for the SAME dates as you, with the same caveat that I may need more time, depending on second round of feedback. Uncanny. But, yes, we’re in this together!

  4. I am just setting down the revision path with the first draft I finished a couple weeks ago… and so I am looking forward to that immersion feeling. I must say your desk is remarkably well maintained. I already can’t see very much wood under my stacks of papers, etc., and the rest of the house is out of control. Snaps is ADORABLE!! My writing companion is a 60 pound black lab, less present at the table 🙂  Hope it’s going well — have a great week!!

    • I have stacks of paper too, although I keep them in either my binder or one of the trays in those orange storage things.

      I love labs! I have a feeling Snaps would love labs too. =) Best of luck on your revisions, Julia!

  5. See with that setup, I’d never get anything done.  my son would be sitting at the other laptop and he’d be slapping me around in some sort of video game. 🙂

    • Hehe, that’s cute! The other laptop is my husband’s, and occasionally he does come in to pester me. (Totally welcome distraction.) Usually, though, he plays xBox in the living room and I have to make him turn the volume down. 🙂

  6. Hi Donna! Well, I’m flattered that you’re impressed, although it’s really just habit for me. I try to post every Monday, so if the beginning of the week rolls around and I haven’t thought of anything yet, I automatically start going through my ideas file for blogs. And then, of course, sometimes I pop off silly ones like this, just to keep it fun. =)

    Cats are the best writing assistants! My little one always picks the most inopportune moments to think my pen is a toy. Such a helper, hehe.

  7. Pegab says:

    That pictre of you holding Snaps is the cutest!! And Queen Buttons surveys her kindgom from afar…

  8. Regina says:

    Love the pic! Wish my writing space looked like that.

    If you need another beta reader, I’m free and would love to do it. Your first chapter has me hooked and longing for more.

  9. -j- says:

    Ha! Love this! xo

  10. Pingback: The Song of the Writing Siren | Missy Writes

  11. Nina Badzin says:

    That picture is so fabulous and so clever! Love the letter labels and the explanation. It’s the perfect post to discuss revisions and allows you to get back to work. Genius. 

  12. Love this little peek into your world, and love your window decoration. My cats would all be there as well if it weren’t for all the plants I love – so they’re not allowed up there. 
    Love the organization on your desk, mine couldn’t truly be messy either. (A mild case of OCD rocks, doesn’t it?) ;)PS: nice, I also have Dell 🙂

    • Thanks Estrella! I’m pretty sure my cats would eat any plants I tried to have indoors. 🙂 And yes, I do appreciate my mild OCD, although I imagine a serious case would be just horrible to live with. Thank goodness it gives me a clean house but doesn’t make me alphabetically organize my fridge, lol!

  13. Pingback: The Song of the Writing Siren

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