
Hello old friends, new friends, and random stumble-uponers! You’ve found my brand new website, AnnieNeugebauer.com. I’m so happy that you’re here. =)

Those of you who followed my old blog through Webs, which I had for 2 ½ years, might be wondering why I’ve switched to WordPress. There are several reasons. Webs made it incredibly difficult for you guys to leave comments on my blogs, which was disheartening for me and annoying for you. And since Webs is incompatible with outside programs such as Disqus, there was no way to fix that. On top of that, Webs’ sidebar was extremely limited, and didn’t allow widgets such as the Google Friends Connect membership box, which is the easiest way for most people to join a website.

My new website has both. You can comment on blogs using your Disqus, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, or OpenID account. And if you don’t have any of those, you can still comment as a guest; just type in your name and email. You won’t be whisked off to other pages or have to retype your comment if you forget to log in first. And at the top of the sidebar, you can join my website using your Google, Twitter, or Blogger accounts. Another option is to subscribe by email. As you can see, showing your support and getting involved is a lot easier over here!

I’ve also made some obvious layout changes. The colors and graphics are all new (and much more representative of me and my body of work), the pages are organized in a slightly different, more streamlined way, and my URL is now my full publishing name.

I’m excited about the changes and happy for the move. I love the design and functionality of my new site, but I am sad about some unavoidable consequences. In closing Webs (who also isn’t compatible with any import/export systems), I’ve lost about 60 members, 7,500 hits, and countless comments on my blogs, guestbook, and poems. Ultimately, I had to switch sometime, and the sooner I did it the less I would lose. It was time.

So overall, my spirits are high. I’d love for you to join my site and/or leave your thoughts on posts, regardless of whether you were a part of the old blog or not. I have high hopes for my new digital home, and I hope you all enjoy the changes. Peace and penguins,


PS- Don’t forget to update your bookmarks and/or blogrolls with my new URL!

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6 Responses to Welcome!

  1. M.E. Anders says:

    Just wanted to congratulate you on your new website! It’s a big deal to get it up and running. I was never part of the old blog, but I’m glad to find you here via Twitter. 🙂

  2. Look at me, commenting! Oh yeah! XD

    The page looks really nice and clean. I bet you like how tidy it is. 😉


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