Thank You

‎Originally posted on Tuesday, ‎May ‎17, ‎2011, ‏‎3:46:00 PM | Annie Neugebauer

Friday officially concluded the All Things Poetry Blog Series. I am very happy with how things turned out; I feel it was a huge success. In this past month and a half, received well over 1,000 visitors! Those of you in the blogging industry know that this is still relatively small-time (the Big Dogs get that many hits a DAY, can you believe it?), but it’s wonderful progress for me. The blog is finally beginning to gain regular readers, more exposure, and some beautiful momentum.

It’s all because of you.

I am so grateful to all of you who participated.

Thank you to my guest bloggers: Jan Spence, Beth Honeycutt, and J. Paul Holcomb.

10 brave souls contributed their work for Post Your Poem Day. It really made my day (no – my week) to see how many people were willing to jump in and share their work.

Thanks to those who shared my poetry around the web. Lisa Kilian over at What Not to Do as a Writer added “River of Life” to her “THE LIST” page. And Judy Clement Wall added “Scarcely Caged” to her “The Friday List” series on her blog, Zebra Sounds.

Most people named my busting poetry myths as their favorite post of the series. I love that! Thank you so much. My personal fave was this slightly long post about the evolution of my horror sonnet, “Scarcely Caged.” It’s a little specific, but I just know it’s waiting to find the perfect reader to really help! I’d also love to teach this process in a class, along with the basics. If anyone knows of any poetry conferences, workshops, or community programs looking for such things… feel free to send them my way.

Dozens of you commented, tweeted, re-tweeted, visited the Merging Visions exhibit, “liked,” shared links on Facebook, and sent others my way.

I think it’s really cool, the little community we’re slowly building here, and I am thankful for each and every one of you.

And don’t be sad! Just because the series is over doesn’t mean I won’t come back to poetry on the blog. I will. But until then, the series is nicely archived under All Things Poetry Series, for you to browse any time you’d like. Please continue to read, comment, and share the blogs that affect you.

Fresh post – back to regularly scheduled programming – coming up next time!

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