Family Portrait

Originally posted on August 2, 2010 at 2:11 PM

Family Portrait

Five little smurpletons stood in a row, each with his or her own wacky hat in a different color. The littlest one looked off over her pink-clad shoulder, digging one toe into the soft dirt as she traced the flight of a spiraling seed pod. The twins entwined their arms around each other in their orange and green striped overalls: one with an orange hat—pom-pom to the side—and the other with a green hat—rim tugged low over twinkling eyes. The eldest smurpleton stood tall and stoic in his yellow, frowning at the prancing blue ball of energy that was his brother. “Now look at me!” their mother called out, and five little faces suddenly turned toward Momma Smurps. She reviewed them with lavender eyes: each oval face was soft and white, glowing with the brilliance that illuminated their skin from within, and they smiled as the shutter of her camera clicked.

© Annie Neugebauer Tilton.

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